Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Great weekend

I had a wonderful birthday weekend. I spent time with family and friends... for those of you who arent on youtube, i made a small video of my random ongoings throughout the day (saturday only):

*disclaimer in the video- i dont condone making messes in parking lots but i didnt know he was going to do that until it was too late (oops). and yes we were kicked out by the owner himself... and he wasnt even remotely trying to be courteous about it. straight up "YOU MUST GO NOW"

There were a lot of goodies and let me just tell you those gummie bears are a highlight of the entire day because YES they are THAT good.. we even got to see the factory making the them. And im not a gummie fanatic, so for me to rave on them .... theyre fantastic. I bought a pound of regulars and half a pound of sours. (Christina, I SOOO wanna send u some if u really love gummies that much!!) lol

And yes there are plenty still left lol

I'm not sure whats going on with me and YouTube but Im starting to feel a little out of the loop with a few people who i once adored. Their focus is becoming a little more on subscribers and popularity than weightloss. This saddens me, but does not affect my reason for being there. its all about accountability for my goals, I just don't enjoy watching videos as much as I used to.

Maybe its just me. Regardless I will continue on with my updates here and on youtube... last week i was blessed with mother natures monthly gift which kept me pretty on point with my eating. Heavy eating while on my period gives me horrible cramps so I kept it pretty light. There was absolutely NO working out cuz I didnt have it in me to do so.. but i did go back to work which is always active and keeps me moving. So end results????????

Well my weigh ins are sundays and due to mother nature and the fact that i ate so much sugary goodness on Saturday I decided not to weigh in.

And then I thought about accountability and said "JUST DO IT"...

... Last week: 211
... This week: 209

I'm on a high :0)

I'm also vowing to kick ass this week on my workouts.
No excuses.

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter


  1. What a great loss! How interesting, I didn't realise that YouTube had weight loss groups! Sorry that your friends are not being as great as they once were. I know how much that stinks. :(

  2. You know today is the first time I went to your vblog. Pretty cool. I like your little logo in the right hand corner and the spaghetti you made.

    I was looking for your video on spaghetti squash, and couldn't find it. Please send me the link.

    Congrats on the weight loss. Slow and steady wins the race, especially when it comes to weight loss.

    Take care
