Friday, October 9, 2009

Conquering Birthday Calories (maybe)

Sunday is weigh-in day...

... and tomorrow is my birthday. That just doesnt seem fair at all lol
I've thought about making my own birthday cupcakes to celebrate here with the family but considering the fact that I know tonight will be hell at work, I am going to be too exhausted to get up and make them tomorrow.

My best friend will be taking me out tomorrow. I plan on making healthy choices with any meals and knowing her there is a cake waiting for me...


Don't get me wrong, Im ENTIRELY looking forward to a slice of cake but I'm not looking forward to having leftover cake. Too much cake in the house is not a good thing.

Last year I had a sweetheart of a friend who got me a personal sized strawberry shortcake at work -- just for me. (Cake #1)

Also my best friend and her sister got me one of those cheesecake medleys where it had 6 different flavors to choose from (Cake #2)

For the past few years my mother has gotten me a vanilla cake with white frosting and huge glorious strawberrys bordering the top.. its heavenly and last year was no exception. (Cake #3)

Another friend of mine took me out during the week and followed it up with late night movies at his place with.. (wait for it)....... ANOTHER small personal cake (Cake #4).

This year I only have two cakes to worry about. One from my best friend and one from my family...

One thing for certain is I plan on indulging, but not OVER indulging. As long as I can do that, I will be happy. :0)

Hope everyones had a great week, its finally over (well at least my workweek will be over by 7 tomorrow morning)

I will be off from the hellhole until Tuesday so I hope to have birthday pix and catch up on my Youtube video watching and video making.




    I hope your day rocked so much, and ENJOY THAT CAKE. Your birthday only comes once a year afterall <3

    Love Skye

  2. thanks skye!!!!!!! :0) I certainly had a wonderful day with more celebrating to do sunday and monday!! I absolutely love birthdays!

  3. Happy Birthday! I hope you didn't have too much cake left over. =) That sucks that you could never find up to date blogs, that would be so frustrating! Anyway, glad you found mine! =)

  4. Happy belated birthday! Didn't you know that calories don't count when its your birthday! :D

  5. Heyhey, thanks for the follow, I love finding a good read too! (such as your blog, haha) Happy late-birthday! Hope the cake wonderful but not TOO wonderful, lol.

    PS--still haven't worked out, :-X

  6. Thank you ladies!!! no barely any cake was leftover thank GOODNESS lol

    oh and kate... i havent worked out either yet lol tomorrow i swearrrrrrrrrr....
