Sunday, October 18, 2009

who blogs about winter coats?!?!

My name is francesca and I am addicted to winter coats.

Every year i have a vision of my perfect coat and though I only act out on it every OTHER year, I hunt and find the closest thing to my vision as possible. Two years ago it was a GREEN coat.. not just any green.. not olive green, not light green, not yellow green ... a TRUE green. Being a plus sized girl you would think "You dont have the option to be picky" but... truly when it comes to winter coats.. i want what i want and I do what I can to have it. That year was no exception and after weeks of searching I found the following:

let me just tell you, with a cream colored scarf and hat.. its absolute CUTE! but that was 2 years ago........

This year it was all about this coat:

its from Jessica Simpson which I knew wouldnt be made in "biggie" sizes.. but considering im doing so damn well on this mission of mine I told myself if I lose another 20 pounds I may just fit into an XL. The only problem is this coat was no longer available. For over a month i checked every day to see if it was miraculously going to appear JUST FOR ME....... but nada. I scoured the stores in chance they may have them but none had this particular treasure.

I ended up trying another jessica simpson on just to measure it up on my frame and sure enough, I think im correct in saying I would have needed to lose another 20 to have it fit. The particular coat I tried on was cute but didnt speak to me on a personal style level. I had a second choice which was a GUESS purple coat but I just couldnt bring myself to buying it when i truly wanted my Jessica Simpson.... so I told myself to hold off on it until November....

As most of u may have noticed, my birthday was on the 10th of this month and after I got home from a great celebration day I logged online and took a chance one last time on the coat. To my surprise, it was back in stock........ JUST FOR ME....

a gift from God (well besides the gift of another year of life of course;) and he wanted me to have it on this special joyous occasion... and wouldnt you know, it was shipped out and delivered to me by this past thursday...

later today I will take photos so you can see how small it is on me, but soon I shall be rocking this new coat and loving it. Not only because its so pretty, but because I will have EARNED the strut i will be walking while in it!

My name is Francesca and I'm addicted to winter coats.


  1. The beige coat is really cute. I'm curious to see how the arms/length fits. I have the toughest time finding a coast let alone the "perfect coat. I've always settled for whatever. I'm impressed with your sense of style. Not everyone can wear that shade of green. Personally, I love bright colors. I have may bright colored tops.

    I'll check my email for the recipe for the spaghetti squash. I have it baking in the oven now--

    Thanks for your comment. I'm feeling much better. I've got a good handle on the housework, laundry and what not. Didn't make it outside, weather is overcast. But I plan on taking the dog to the park... that should lift my spirit.

    Can't wait to see the new coat.

  2. I have the same thing with winter hats... I love them.

  3. Good luck with the coat..its beautiful. I think its great to have a special item of clothing that acts as motivation to keep up with our goals! You can do it!!!

  4. I'm motivated by this REALLY cute hooded pea'll be my 30 lbs lost reward :D

  5. You have such great taste in winter coats! I love the cream coat- so pretty. Good luck!

  6. Paula- i went to look for spaghetti squash in my supermarket to make more things and dammit there were none! i hope ur feeling better!

    sug free cupcakes- I love winter hats too!!! and scarves and gloves LOL

    sarah- i love pea coats... they tend to look good on everyone!! i'd love to see the coat u speak of

    dree- thanks! The cream coat is definitely too small but dammit i will fit into it!
