Sunday, November 1, 2009

this is halloween

Hey guys, long time no update (kinda). I spent the last week altering my dress as well as making jewelry for it and keeping up with a 10 day workout challenge... AND working of course. Now halloween is gone and I had a blast. I didn't take a TON of pix as I didnt like lugging my phone nor camera along everywhere (i had no pockets nor purse) but I did take a few since I promised.

i posted a pic of the jewelry on my youtube channel but in case u missed it, here it goes:

It was actually my favorite part of the costume.... it tested all of my patience to 1) Find charms that coordinated 2) figure out what to do with them 3) open all the little loops to get the charms on 4) get the damn earrings in (tho only one earring is shown here) I didnt get to make the second one until about half hour before we left for the party lol

All in all it was a great night, i didnt watch a damn thing that I ate or drank but I told myself that it was ok for that one night only. I even got up and danced a little (which I never do). Granted part of that was the alcohol but I wasn't completely gone lol i still was very aware of the fact that I had two left feet.

For now this is all I have, i'm still a bit exhausted but I have a whole new plan to take in effect tomorrow that i need to figure out. Hope you all had a great weekend!! I must catch up on reading everyones blogs tomorrow!



  1. Oh you look so pretty in your costume!! I'm glad that it was a good night.

  2. I LOVE the jewelry! I have a friend who is obsessed with Alice in Wonderland, she would have a field day with that stuff, haha. Glad you had a good Halloween, and congrats on the continued success :D (Esp. containing your Halloween-eating/drinking to one night only, I had an issue with that!)

  3. thanks ladies.......

    kate, it wasnt too bad as this year i really wasnt surrounded by candy lol even at my parents house the only thing my mom really had was halloween bags of pretzels to give out to kids. super smart choice. 1 cuz theyre a healthier alternative and 2. cuz i dont care for pretzels much lol

  4. You look fab in your outfit!
    And i absolutely adore the jewellery!! :)

