Saturday, December 19, 2009

The case of the missing salad dressing!!

So theres a downfall to dating a number of men... and thats going out to eat a few times a week lol

I havent fixed my eating habits ... i realized its been about a month now and I have yet to eat properly and exercise AT ALL... i should be ashamed of myself. And I am, but I don't have any motivation.

Im upset that my favorite salad dressing ever is nowhere to be found. Kens healthy options dressing Italian with Romano and Red Pepper -- it was wonderful....... a medley of flavors that burst in my mouth as I ate every crunchy little bit of my beloved salads......

... and its been weeks since I've found it.. in any grocery store.

I've tried others and they simply are NOT the same...... nothing compares to it and now that I cant have it, I dont want any salads......

what a damn shame.

I've gone so far as to look for it online and the only thing I found was a case of 12.

Who the heck needs 12 bottles of salad dressing in their home?

... apparently I do... i ordered them and am anxiously awaiting their arrival.

I can't be TOO far off track if Im looking forward to having my salads again, right?

.... thats what I tell myself anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot say I feel sorry for you, being taken out to many dinner dates! ;) Although I agree that it's much harder to make healthy food choices when you're at a restaurant.
    BODA weight loss
